Sage Science Pippin Prep Automated Preparative Gel Electrophoresis System

Sage Science Pippin Prep Automated Preparative Gel Electrophoresis System
$4,200 (USD)
orCall (650) 938-3169
The Pippin Prep facilitates library construction for the most popular NGS platforms, features the ability to collect narrow and even fragment distributions, as well as the flexibility to collect wide ranges of fragments with minimal effort, target sizes or ranges of sizes are entered in software, and fractions are collected in buffer, up to 5 samples per gel cassette may be run, with no possibility of cross contamination, applications include paired-end sequencing, emPCR, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, miRNA isolation, genotyping, mate-pair sequencing, 100V or 150V constant voltage, 535nm excitation and 640nm emission optical detection, 12V.
Manufacturer | Sage Science |
Condition | Refurbished |
Stock Number | 4167 |