Nikon Eclipse TE200 Inverted Fluorescence Research Microscope

Nikon Eclipse TE200 Inverted Fluorescence Research Microscope

$8,500 (USD)

orCall (650) 938-3169


System includes the Eclipse TE200 main body with binocular headpiece with CFI 10x/22 eyepieces, fluorescence filter cube slider with DAPI and FITC filter cube sets, 6-position revolving nosepiece equipped with 4 Nikon objectives; 1) Plan UW 2x/0.06, ∞/-, WD 7.5, 2) Plan Fluor 10x/0.30, Ph1 DL, ∞/1.2, WD 15.2, 3) Plan Fluor ELWD 20x/0.45, ∞/0-2, WD 7.4, DIC L/N1, 4) Plan Fluor ELWD 40x/0.60, ∞/0-2, WD 3.7-2.7, DIC M/N1, Nikon Intensilight C-HGFI Epi-fluorescence illuminator with liquid light guide, Prior Proscan automation controller with Prior H107NUIM motorized stage and Z-axis focus controller and controlling joystick, side mounted phototube with TV relay lens-1 1x/16 for the addition of imaging system components, 120V.


Stock Number4379